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Understanding Orbs Caught on Security Cameras: Causes and Solutions

Orbs Caught on Security Cameras

Security camera owners often experience orbs in the camera recordings. These tiny particles ruin the video quality and blur the important details. Fortunately, you can easily get rid of the orbs if you know the right way.

In this article, we will explain what orbs on security cameras are and the common causes. We will also discuss how you can get rid of orbs by trying some common remedies.

What are Orbs on Security Cameras?

Orbs are the tiny and shiny circular particles you see in the recorded footage of some security cameras. They are glowing and translucent, so they are quite visible and affect the video quality badly. They usually appear at night and in low light conditions.

Most of the time, orbs on security cameras are caused by technical issues. They are also caused by external conditions or activities, such as reflection or insects.

What Causes Orbs on Security Cameras?

Here are a few common causes of Orbs on security cameras.

Dust, Bugs, and Small Particles

Commonly, the orbs on security cameras are because of dust, bugs, and other small particles. The reflection of light from these things causes blurriness or orb-like footage. When the dust particles with extra moisture are near the camera lens, they look like orbs. Similarly, bugs and other particles create such an effect.

Lens Flare

The orbs could be due to the lens flare caused by a bright light around. If there are any streetlights and headlights, they could cause reflection. You can check it by adjusting the angle of the camera lens.

Infrared Reflections

Security cameras have infrared lights for night vision. When the infrared radiation is reflected from the objects around, you see orbs in the footage.

Camera Settings and Technical Issues

The least common reasons could be the camera settings are wrong and technical issues with the camera. You can try to reset the camera in the first place, and if that doesn't work, there could be a technical issue with the lens, compression, or anything else.

How to Reduce Orbs on Security Cameras?

Here's what you can do to get rid of the orbs on security cameras.

Clean the Camera Lens

The first thing you should do is clean the camera lens. There could be dirt, grime, spider webs, and other things on the camera lens. Clean it with a damp cloth and then dry it with another piece of cloth.

Change the Placement of the Camera

If you still face the same issue after cleaning the lens, try changing the camera's placement. You can install the camera at another location where the chances of reflection are low. Select any other place or try to adjust the camera angle.

Change the Angle of the Light Source

If there is any light source causing lens flare, try to change the angle of the light source. If that's not possible, change its position. You can also turn off that light and install another light at any other location to prevent reflections.

Use High-Quality Filters

The filter on your camera lens wears out over time. They can cause the orbs-effect. Install a high-quality filter to solve the issue. But keep in mind that not all security cameras have the option to change filters.

Orbs Still Exist on Cameras, What to Do Next?

Ask the Experts

If you have tried everything but the issue still persists, you should talk to the experts. You can contact the manufacturer's customer support and explain the issue. You can also talk to the local expert who fixes and repairs security cameras.

Upgrade Security Cameras

The easiest way is to upgrade the security camera. You can buy Reolink security cameras. They are equipped with excellent lenses, night vision, high resolution, and advanced features. They ensure optimal video quality in all weather conditions. Reolink new released product Duo 3 WiFi is a good choice.

Reolink Duo 3 WiFi

Groundbreaking 16MP Dual-Lens WiFi Camera

16MP UHD, Dual-Lens, Motion Track, 180° Wide Viewing Angle, Plug-In WiFi, Color Night Vision.


1. Why are there so many orbs in my house?

The security camera could be recording dust, moisture, and other particles around the lens. The lens could be dirty as well, so you can try to clean it. If nothing works, there could be a technical issue.

2. Why do orbs show up on video?

The orbs show up because of the particles, dust, and bugs in the environment. Secondly, if there is any reflection of the light due to any object or light source, you will notice orbs in the footage.


If you see orbs in the security camera footage, try to understand the cause behind it. Usually, it is because of the bugs, dust, and other particles in the air that reflect light. Also, pay attention to the objects and light sources. You can try the common fixes we have shared to get rid of the problem. If nothing works, contact an expert or replace the security camera.


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Yucy, as a proficient editor in Reolink, specializes in the field of home security. Her expertise lies in providing insightful information regarding the latest advancements in security systems, surveillance technologies, and safety measures. Comment and discuss with her!