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Expert Safety Tips


How to Stop Burglars from Targeting Your Home: Top 13 Superb Ways

Home security has always been the top priority for homeowners. Knowing how to stop burglars from targeting your home can go a long way to safeguard your home and your property. The Federal Bureau of Investigation reported that more than 1.7 million burglaries occurred in one recent year, and 73% of those were residential crimes. With four burglaries happ

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Expert Safety Tips


8 Top-Secret Tips to Prevent Mail Theft

Mail theft is a felony – and it should be! There are already 2437 victims on the mail theft report in 2016 alone, but in fact, there are much more unreported ones – the mail theft problem is much more serious than you could have thought. So be careful! Don’t be one of them – or never again! Learn the 8 quick tips inside to prevent mail theft and get it out of your life fore

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Expert Safety Tips


Most Stolen Items This Year & Best Way to Prevent

Here is a shortcut to protect your home and business from experience: Think like a burglar and protect want he/she desires most. Learn the following most stolen items and you can always be one step ahead of the burglars! Most Stolen Items from Homes Statistics show that burglaries take place in every <

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Expert Safety Tips


Security Camera Mounting Ideas: Secure and Creative

Installing security cameras around your property is one of the best ways to deter crime and keep your home or business safe. However, the placement and mounting of these cameras are just as important as choosing the right camera models. In this article, we will explore security camera mounting ideas and other camera mounting ideas. It also covers important factors to consider when select

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Expert Safety Tips


How to Stay Safe When Living in a Bad Neighborhood

You might be one that doesn't get on with next doors. Yet, you are not the only one. More than 60% people hate their neighbors. How to stay safe if living in a bad neighborhood? What to do to survive in a bad neighborhood? It's not a funny joke or dumbest question. Most of the time you never realize your neighbor could be a murder like in the <a href="

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Expert Safety Tips


What to Do If Someone Breaks Into Your House?

What would you do if someone breaks into your house late at night, or worse, when you are at home alone? Read on to know what to do and not to do when encountering a home intrusion, how you can deal with an intruder in your house, so as to protect yourself and your family from a home burglary. <h2 id="what-to-do-if-someo

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Expert Safety Tips


The Top 6 Solutions for Rural Home Security System

Whether you live in an urban city or a rural area, home security matters as always. But while people enjoy a peaceful and idyllic life in secluded country homes, they are also exposed to potential security and property risks. Fortunately, we can protect rural homes with a bundle of security solutions. You’ll learn the best security systems for rural homes, with or without WiFi and power

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Expert Safety Tips


When to Stop Using Baby Monitor: Beyond the Crib

For new parents, baby monitors can provide much-needed peace of mind. The ability to hear every coo and cry lets moms and dads know their little one is safe. But at some point, it becomes time to stop using a baby monitor. Knowing when your child is ready for this transition can minimize anxiety for both of you. Let's take a look at when to stop using baby monitors. <h2 id="when-to-s


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