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Expert Safety Tips


8 Top-Secret Tips to Prevent Mail Theft

Mail theft is a felony – and it should be! There are already 2437 victims on the mail theft report in 2016 alone, but in fact, there are much more unreported ones – the mail theft problem is much more serious than you could have thought. So be careful! Don’t be one of them – or never again! Learn the 8 quick tips inside to prevent mail theft and get it out of your life fore

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Expert Safety Tips


Most Stolen Items This Year & Best Way to Prevent

Here is a shortcut to protect your home and business from experience: Think like a burglar and protect want he/she desires most. Learn the following most stolen items and you can always be one step ahead of the burglars! Most Stolen Items from Homes Statistics show that burglaries take place in every <

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How-to Guide


How to Find Your Stolen Bike — Top 7 Ways You Should Know

"My bike got stolen, what do I do? How to find my stolen bike?" These problems may keep rolling over in your mind when your bike is stolen. Usually, you would have tried calling the police or have posted stolen bike ads to find your stolen bike, but these ways are not enough. We have summarized another <a href="#Top-7-Ways-You-Should-Know-to-Find-Your-Stolen-Bike-7-Wa

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Tips & Fixes


8 Best Tips to Protect Outdoor Security Cameras like a Pro

When it comes to outdoor security cameras and systems protection, people often ask these common questions: how do people keep bugs or spider away from security cameras? How do people protect CCTV camera from rain? Or, how do users protect outdoor security cameras from theft or damage? Today we share some easy fixes to these common issues and some great tips to protect your <a href="https://stor

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Expert Safety Tips


Top 8 Theft Deterrents: Boost Your Home Security in Every Way

Actually, you don’t have to build a home like Fort Knox to deter burglars. You can just use some essential deterrent gadgets to stop thieves from breaking into your property. We’ve made an ultimate list of best theft deterrents, just for you, who are looking for tried-and-tested burglar deterrent gadgets. We will also introduce some useful tips on <a href="https://reolin

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Expert Safety Tips


How to Secure a Single-Family Home from Theft

More and more people choose to live in a single-family house, for more freedom achieved and the privacy secured.  Along with the positive parts of a single-detached dwelling comes the rising burglary rates happening in it.  There is higher chance that a single-family house would be robbed due to its greater accessibility. Need some inspirations and ideas to secure your single-family home

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Tips & Fixes


Top 24 DIY Home Security Tips and Tricks You Need to Defeat Master Burglars

You, a home owner or a renter, must love the idea that your home is safe and secure. BUT, peace of mind should never cost a fortune or come with a monthly price. Here we collect the top 24 easy and simple DIY home security tips and tricks without the need to shell out big bucks. And you are welcomed to add more DIY home security tips that we may miss out. <blo

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Expert Safety Tips


Best 7 Bike Theft Prevention Tips – What Bike Thieves Don’t Want You to Know

Having your bike stolen has been a nightmare. More than 1.5 million bicycles are reported stolen annually in the US. Half of all active cyclists have their bikes stolen, while only 2.4 percent of stolen bikes were recovered. No doubt, smart prevention is always the best way to keep your bike from being stolen and the 7 measures below, which savvy bike thieves don’t want you to know, will