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Expert Safety Tips


Ultimate Guide to Condo Security: Protecting Your Home

Condos require extra security measures to ensure the safety of residents and their belongings. The condo association and residents are both responsible for taking safety measures of every kind to save themselves from incidents. In this article, we will take a look at the common condo security risks to give you a better idea of the security you need. We will also discuss how people can en

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Expert Safety Tips


How to Prevent Daytime Burglary: Myths and Tips to Protect Your Home

Statistics show that 65% of burglaries occur between 6am and 6pm. Yes, you are reading it correct. Daytime burglaries are indeed more common than nighttime, and burglars break into your home not only while you are asleep. So how to prevent daytime burglaries? And what are the common myths about daytime burglary prevention strategies? In tod

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Expert Safety Tips


Going Solar: The Ultimate Guide to Solar Energy for Your Home

Solar energy has become popular among homeowners looking to reduce their carbon footprint and save money on energy bills. By harnessing the power of the sun, homeowners can generate clean energy and significantly reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about using solar power for your home. From the cost and installation

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Expert Safety Tips


How to Secure Your Home After a Neighbor’s House Was Broken Into

“My neighbor’s house was broken into. Now I’m so scared, any advice?” That’s typically what you would react to a neighborhood burglary – relieved as you might be at first, nervousness and fear soon can be overwhelming. And the only thing wrapping your mind around is how to secure your home after your neighbor’s house was broken into. In this post,