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Best Guard Dogs: Loyal Protectors for Safety

Best Guard Dogs

People keep dogs at their houses to ensure their safety. But not every dog is meant for this purpose. If you are looking for guard dogs, you must pick specific breeds that protect the family and property.

This article is all about the best guard dogs with their specific qualities, behaviors, and features. By the end of this article, you will be able to decide which dog breed is suitable and according to your interests.

What Are The Best Guard Dogs?

Dogs that are very responsive, loyal, protective, friendly, and easy to train are considered the best guard dogs. Such dogs get attached to their owners and remain relaxed normally while showing aggressive actions in case of threats or unwanted activities.

These dogs are excellent for guarding their owners. They can guard the property and keep the intruders away. Burglars and trespassers do not dare to enter the property as these guard dogs start barking and alert everyone.

Best Guard Dogs For Families

German Shepherd

German Shepherd is known for quick learning, incredible loyalty, and intelligence. It’s highly trainable, which is why it is preferred for watchdog and police work. They are strong and muscular with a good height of 24-26 inches and weight of 50-90lbs. They are usually in black, tan, and a mixture of these colors.


Boxer is a playful and energetic breed. It has a special combination of alertness and athleticism, making it vigilant, protective, and active regarding home security. It is a short-haired breed of mastiff-type with a box or square shaped face. The usual height is 23-25 inches and the weight is 60-70lbs.

Doberman Pinscher

Doberman Pinscher is a trainable German breed with a graceful and protective nature. They are fearless when it comes to saving their masters from danger. They have an incredible physique; height around 27-28 inches and weight around 85-100 pounds. They have a smooth coat and are usually in black or blue.

Giant Schnauzer

Giant Schnauzer is a trainable and highly intelligent guardian dog for families. They have a strong sense of awareness that allows them to sense threats actively. They are 25-27 inches tall and up to 95 pounds in weight. The ears are small, and it has a double coat; a dense topcoat and soft undercoat.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Rhodesian Ridgeback is fearless, intelligent, and protective nature. It seems reserved with strangers but is very affectionate and playful around the family members. It is strong and muscular with a height of 24-27 inches and 70-85 lbs. It has a glossy appearance and a short gold or tan coat.

Best Guard Dogs For Women


Rottweiler is a naturally sensible, intelligent, and loyal breed that perfectly matches all the qualities required for a woman’s guard dog. It shows quick learning for training in various situations. It is a very strong and muscular breed with short hair. It is usually 22-27 inches in height and 77-135 lbs in weight.

Belgian Malinois

Belgian Malinois is also known for its loyalty, affection, immediate actions, and loving nature. It always remains aware of its surroundings due to its high sensing abilities. It’s a medium-sized muscular dog with a height of 24-26 inches and a weight of 60-80 pounds. The body color could be fawn, mahogany, or red, but the color of the ears and mask is black.


Bullmastiff has the ability to guard its owners gently without being aggressive. They are always alert and ready to protect their masters. They are large dogs with a broad head. They look exceptionally muscular with a height of 24-27 inches and weight of 110-130 lbs.

Great Pyrenees

The Great Pyrenees is a fearless and majestic breed, perfect for women to keep protection and affection by their sides. It remains calm and relaxed at home while showing aggressive and fearless actions when it comes to protecting its owners. It is usually with a white coat with markings in different colors. It is extremely tall around 25-32 inches and weighs around 110-120 lbs.

Best Guard Dogs For Kids

Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever is an approachable and friendly breed with a high level of protective instincts. It always remains gentle with the kids, and it has a strong sense of detecting dangers and acts quickly to protect its owners. You will see labradors in yellow, black, and chocolate color. It is usually 21-2 inches tall and weighs around 55-80 pounds.


Collie is a renowned protective, loyal, and highly friendly breed, especially for kids to keep safe around. It is highly responsive to commands. It weighs around 60-75 lbs and is 24-26 inches tall. It has a wedge-shaped head, tulip-shaped ears, and a double coat.

Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever is a playful, gentle, and calm breed. It is a highly active, alert, gentle, playful, and friendly breed to keep your kids safe and busy with them. It has a broad head, short ears, a dense coat, and a muscular body. It usually has a shade of gold or cream and is 21-24 inches tall and 55-75 pounds in weight.

Best Small Guard Dogs

Miniature Schnauzer

Miniature Schnauzer is a small but energetic guard dog due to its alert and protective nature. Its quality of quick bark on strangers makes it an ideal watchdog to look after families. It has a wiry coat, haired face, bushy ears, short tail, and short round feet. The usual height is 12-14 inches and the weight is 10-20 lbs.

Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier is energetic and lively, having a protective and obedient nature. It is also famous for barking unnecessarily sometimes with high vocals just to keep away intruders. It’s a small athletic dog with a height of 13-14 inches and a weight of 13-17 pounds. It has V-shaped ears, a broad skull, and a double coat.


Dachshund is a small-sized watchdog with a big heart to love and protect its owners from dangers. It has a bold personality and it always remains curious to detect any unwanted activity or person around its owner or their property. The height is only 8-9 inches, but the body is quite long, so the weight is around 16-32 lbs. It has a muscular body, long ears, a conical head, and a longhaired coat.

Cocker Spaniel

Cocker Spaniel is a surprisingly alert and protective guard dog for families. Due to its affectionate nature, it is highly- adaptable and creates strong playful bonds with its owners. It is usually 13.5-14.5 inches tall and 20-30 lbs in weight. It has a silky coat, big eyes, and feathered ears.

Alternatives To Traditional Guard Dogs

Security Cameras

A security camera is an alternative to traditional dogs as it offers consistent surveillance of the interior and exterior of houses. It allows homeowners to look over their place through smart devices even from distances. Moreover, security cameras can also record footage that can be used for future investigation whenever needed.

You can go with Reolink Duo 3 Wi-Fi. It's a dual-lens security camera that captures videos in 16MP to ensure rich details and excellent clarity. It can track the motion of persons, pets, and vehicles and send instant alerts to the connected devices. It can work as a motion sensor and warning device as well.

Reolink Duo 3 WiFi

Groundbreaking 16MP Dual-Lens WiFi Camera

16MP UHD, Dual-Lens, Motion Track, 180° Wide Viewing Angle, Plug-In WiFi, Color Night Vision.

Smart Motion Sensors

It is an advanced security technology that detects motion/movement within a specific range and sends signals to security systems or smart devices like mobile phones. It is specially used in the dark or in areas where human oversights are not constantly possible.

Security Fencing

Security fencing is a physical barrier that keeps the property safe from intruders or danger. It can be done using an electric wire, barbed wire, or reinforced gates that are difficult to scale and durable. This system can also be equipped with sensors to alert homeowners about unwanted movements or danger.

Sound-Activated Alerts

This technology is designed to detect and trigger the alarm on undesired noises like glass breakage, or forced entries in the home. There are special high-quality microphones that detect specific sound frequencies related to criminal activities.


1: What Is The Most Protective Dog?

The German Shepherd is generally known as the most protective guard dog. Not only for its protectiveness, it is also famous for its strong build, size, loyalty, trainability, and intelligence. Its size and strength together make it a perfect choice for keen sensing and impulsive actions towards dangers.

2: What Is The Most Feared Guard Dog?

Rottweiler is considered the most feared dog due to its strength, protective nature, and intimidating size. It always turns out fearless when it comes to safety or protecting its family. Its deep bark strikes fear into the intruder’s hearts, warning them to be aware of its actions against them.


Keeping a guard dog will be the best choice for protection. There are many dog breeds available with different capabilities, sizes, looks, and behaviors. It is very important to keep yourself aware of the breed before making any choice. We have shared the details of the best guard dogs so that you can choose easily. And if you don't want to select a dog, you can go with a security camera.


All Comments Are Welcome

Yucy, as a proficient editor in Reolink, specializes in the field of home security. Her expertise lies in providing insightful information regarding the latest advancements in security systems, surveillance technologies, and safety measures. Comment and discuss with her!