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Is Stealing Packages a Federal Crime? Legal Insights Explained

is stealing packages a federal crime

As more people shop online and have deliveries at their homes, stealing packages crime is a problem on the rise. However, does it constitute a federal crime if someone steals packages off your doorstep? This article will examine the legal questions, including whether stealing packages is a felony.

Is Stealing Packages a Federal Crime?

Stealing a package may or may not constitute a federal crime, depending on various circumstances. If the United States Postal Service delivered the package, then stealing it would be a federal offense. Stealing Amazon packages is only a federal crime if it involves identity theft or fraud.

The 18 U.S. Code Section 1708 specifically commands that any person shall not take any letter, postal card, package, bag, or mail out of any authorized depository for mail matter or from any post office or station thereof or postal carrier. Theft of postal articles or packages by USPS employees attracts penalties of up to a $250k fine and five years imprisonment per count.

Federal Laws on Package Stealing

Several federal laws apply to the stealing UPS packages:

  • 18 U.S. Code Section 1708: This law makes stealing mail delivered by the USPS illegal. As mentioned, tampering with mail is a federal offense.
  • 18 U.S. Code Section 1702: It covers obstruction of correspondence that involves removing mail before delivery, such as stealing packages off someone’s doorstep.
  • 18 U.S. Code Section 1703: This law prohibits the delay or destruction of mail or packages.
  • 18 U.S. Code Section 1709: This law covers the theft of mail contents, including opening packages to steal items inside without consent.

Violating any of these federal mail and package theft laws can result in fines, imprisonment of up to 5 years, or both. The penalties increase if the stolen mail includes valuable contents over $1,000.

Consequences for Stealing Amazon Packages

While stealing an Amazon package isn’t automatically a federal crime, offenders still face severe penalties at the state level, including prison time for felony charges.

  • Felony theft charges - If the value of stolen packages exceeds a dollar threshold set by each state, the theft becomes a felony instead of a misdemeanor. Felony convictions typically result in heftier fines and longer jail sentences.
  • Prison time - Sentences for package theft range from 6 months to 10 years, depending on the number of offenses and the value of the items stolen. Repeat offenders typically receive longer sentences.
  • Fines - Monetary fines up to $250,000 can be imposed on those convicted of stealing packages or mail. Fines increase with the number of incidents.
  • Probation - Courts may place first-time offenders on probation rather than jail time. But probation terms can include fines, community service, and restitution.
  • Restitution - Those convicted of package theft may be required to repay the victims for the value of the stolen items and any shipping costs.

Do the Police Investigate Package Stealing Crimes?

Yes, law enforcement agencies investigate package theft, but the extent of the investigation depends on the circumstances. For example, postal inspectors take the lead in investigating federal mail theft crimes for mail delivered by USPS. They work closely with local police.

For packages delivered by UPS, FedEx, and Amazon, local police departments typically handle the investigation and prosecution under state laws against theft or robbery.

What to Do When Accused of Package Theft

Being accused of package theft can be stressful. Here are some tips on what to do:

  • Remain silent and avoid admitting guilt or making statements if questioned by police. You have the right to remain silent under the 5th Amendment. Any statements you make can be used against you.
  • Be cooperative if police have a warrant for your arrest, but again, avoid volunteering information that could implicate you.
  • Hire a criminal defense attorney immediately. An experienced lawyer understands your state’s charges and defenses apply to package and mail theft crimes. They can negotiate with prosecutors on your behalf.
  • If police contact you, politely decline to answer questions and state you will only speak with your attorney present. This helps avoid accidentally self-incriminating.
  • Check state laws on package theft. Some states have laws explicitly criminalizing porch piracy of delivery packages. Know the penalties you may be facing.
  • Gather exculpatory evidence showing your innocence. Receipts proving you were elsewhere during the alleged theft can create reasonable doubt.

The key is to avoid panic, take steps to protect your rights and build the best legal defense with an attorney’s counsel if you are wrongly accused of stealing packages.

Bonus: Best Video Doorbells for Securing Your Packages

One excellent option to secure packages and deter porch pirates is installing a doorbell camera, such as the Reolink Video Doorbell WiFi. This smart plug-in video doorbell captures footage in superb 5MP 2K+ Super HD resolution. It has useful features like free person detection to distinguish people from general motion alerts.

The Reolink doorbell is also designed for easy installation and works seamlessly with existing Reolink NVR security systems. Connecting via 2.4/5 GHz dual-band WiFi, you’ll enjoy stable streaming and fewer dropouts.

Reolink Video Doorbell (WiFi)

Smart 5MP Video Doorbell with Chime

5MP Super HD Day & Night, Person Detection, 2.4/5 GHz Dual-Band WiFi, 180° Diagonal Viewing Angle, Two-Way Audio, Rich Notification.


What happens if you steal a package?

If you steal a package, you could face misdemeanor or felony theft charges depending on the item’s value and applicable state laws. Penalties range from fines and probation to imprisonment of up to 10 years for repeat felony offenders. You may also have to repay the victim through restitution.

Do you get compensated for stolen packages?

The sender, not the delivery service, is responsible for compensating stolen packages. Contact the retailer or individual sender to report the theft and request replacement items or refunds. Delivery services like UPS and FedEx will investigate but don’t provide monetary compensation.

How common is package theft in the U.S.?

Over 35% of Americans had their packages stolen in the previous year. In the past year, 75% of Americans who have been victims of package theft also experienced package theft in the last year.


Package theft has become a menace that carries serious legal implications at the state and federal levels in appropriate cases. Stealing mail delivered by the USPS is always an offense classified under federal law. However, even stealing privately shipped packages can result in felony charges and imprisonment, in addition to fines and probation.

It’s important to know the laws, contact your lawyer if you’re accused, and use video doorbells to prevent package theft. Share your opinions on this article in the comment section below! Let's discuss together!


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Editor from Reolink. Interested in new technology trends and willing to share tips about home security. Her goal is to make security cameras and smart home systems easy to understand for everyone.