Reolink Video Doorbell WiFi

21 Customer Reviews

(4.33 out of 5 stars)

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  • Great piece of kit

    Steve - Mar 27, 2023

    Verified Purchase

    On receipt the packaging was good and the box contents covered most installations you would likely come across. I have the WiFi version so it only needed a 24v power supply to the doorbell and hence a small gauge wire (it can also accept a ethernet cable if needed).
    The install was very simply and setup very easy with no issues at all. The camera had the latest firmware so no update was necessary.
    My only small negative is that the supplied power cable was black in colour. I know that you cannot meet all needs but I would have thought that white was a more neutral colour and more likely to meet customer needs. I easily sourced a white cable from my local hardware store and used that.
    Once installed the camera is collecting data correctly and can send files by email and FTP as well as storing on the local SD card. Playback from the onboard SD card is quick on the local network and remotely.
    It has integrated into Reolink app on both Windows and my iPhone seamlessly.
    It also has the ability to send critical alerts to an iPhone. Once set any person identified or doorbell button press leads to a critical alert being sent. This is a sound and vibration even if your iPhone and watch is set to silent. In theory this is good but in my setup it picks up people walking past the house. Ideally I would have critical alerts for a button press only. I cannot see this feature but will keep looking. Maybe I can adjust the sensitivity.
    Generally I am very impressed with the quality and reliability and I thoroughly recommend it.



  • Great doorbell but doesn't connect to existing Chime

    HarishReddy - Mar 15, 2023

    Verified Purchase

    Great doorbell and awesome clarity.. Only issue - it doesn't connect to existing mechanical chime.. The chime provided is not as loud as mechanical chime and is hard to hear :( .. there are many other video doorbells which support mechanical Chime, not sure why Reolink doesnt.

    Helpful 23 people found this helpful


  • Not working with Synology Survelliance Station?

    JWPepper - Mar 09, 2023

    Verified Purchase

    Just received the 'Reolink Video Doorbell Wi-Fi' model and Synology Surveillance Station cannot find it. If it doesn't work with Synology, it's being returned.

    Helpful 20 people found this helpful


  • Great idea

    Dingo - Jun 30, 2023

    Just got mine…. Have to say it’s a nice piece of kit. However two major flaws in the device planning.

    1) Having such a neat device should come or have at least an anti-theft wall Mount. Yes to certain degree it’s secure, that is until joe blogs, your local thief pops round with a paper clip and wham…. You’ve lost your £120 camera.

    2) No call feature on the camera to alert you when there’s someone at the door or near the premises. Yes there’s email notifications which are dependent on your service provider’s speed of delivery. If it’s slow then you’ve missed whoever was at the door before you get the chance to talk to them. As it stands it’s just a glorified 2K camera and expensive one at that. Competitors offer the call feature, why not Reolink?

    As I said at the start, this is a nice piece of kit and with a little bit of intuitive genius it could out-sell your rivals and become number 1.

    Helpful 13 people found this helpful


  • Ringtone Doorbell

    Jan - Dec 18, 2023

    I get only a Push-Tone when someone bells. I want a Ringtone when someone is pushing the button.

    Helpful 5 people found this helpful


  • Setting Up.

    cuke2u - Sep 06, 2022

    Verified Purchase

    There appears to be no instructions of how to connect this camera to an existing doorbell wiring.

    Helpful 3 people found this helpful


    • Reolink cukeuk - Sep 14, 2022


      Hi Customer, You can also refer to our articles to connect the camera to your existing doorbell wiring.


      Hope this can help you


    • Reolink cukeuk - Sep 09, 2022


      Hi there, you can refer to this video :


    • cukeuk Reolink - Sep 08, 2022

      Verified Purchase

      That wasn't my question as I'm fully aware of how it can be connected. What my question was, to repeat myself, is where are the instructions for connecting this doorbell to the existing wiring?
      Please read my queries correctly...


    • Reolink cuke2u - Sep 08, 2022


      Dear Customer,

      Greetings from Reolink!

      The doorbell video WIFI camera can be powered via a 24V 0.5A power adapter or 12~24V AC pre-existing doorbell wiring. It can work with 2.4Ghz WIFI or 5Ghz WIFI.

      Have a nice day
      Reolink Service Team


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  • great product with a bit space to develop a basic thing

    Liftboy - May 14, 2023

    In this price segment, I have found no alternative that can so circumferentially a NAS (Synology) with the strems make happy and can be so easily integrated into homeassistenat.

    As an ordinary doorbell it works. Jeodch is the subject of notification expandable.

    For a push message with picture, the clound DIenst must be booked and a sound setting for the notification is not in the app. Here I see a clear need to catch up. Because especially on the cell phone it is of great benefit if at least a ring comes when ringing ;) and that is adjustable in the app.

    I do not manage to activate the cloud service for this reolink product. The doorbell is grayed out and not selectable, regardless of the package. I also don't see it in the supported products in the cloud overview.

    Yes, the product is quite new and usually products evolve with updates in today's market.

    Translated with (free version)

    I find rather the BEnachrichtigungseinstellungen extremely rudimentary at the doorbell. For a puash message with picture, the clound DIenst must be booked and there is no sound setting in the app. In addition, however, the fact that the product is quite new and usually all develop on the customer in this day and age ;)

    Translated with (free version)

    Helpful 2 people found this helpful


  • First home security camera system

    provostmatthew13 - Dec 03, 2022

    Verified Purchase

    I have nothing bad to say about Reolink and their products. I have an RLN8-410 with (6) d400 cameras all of which are POE cameras. I just preordered a Reolink Duo Floodlight PoE to replace the camera at the front of my house with it, giving me a better viewing angle for the entirety of the main road I live on, and the added spotlights should help when, we arive during the early winter nights we all love to hate. I just recently discovered the windows application as well. It is super handy vs the standard way of going to the static ip address or phone app. It will also save clips to your PC internal storage (make sure you have a huge secondary HDD. By default it saves to your "c" drive and fills up fast) from within the application. The only problem I have is when, you switch the default storage drive, the files are saved on your PC, the NVR no longer records to its primary internal HDD.

    Please let me knowif anybody knows the work around for the NVR not recording in tandom when i change where the files are saved

    Helpful 2 people found this helpful


  • Good Camera for a Decent Price

    user_729011616661694 - Sep 06, 2023

    Verified Purchase

    I bought this to replace the old doorbell and to have visibility at the front porch. The installation/configuration was easy enough. I used the AC adapter because the doorbell here was not setup with a doorbell transformer.

    I elected to use Reolink cloud since I don't have a MicroSD card. Notifications come quickly, but I think the push notification should be faster for motion alerts.

    The chime had multiple melodies and volume settings. It appears to be loud enough.

    The only problem I noticed is the video format can't be shared immediately on WhatsApp. I think there's room for improvement there.

    Overall, I recommend.

    Helpful 1 person found this helpful


  • Super deurbel camera met integratie in Home assistant

    Bas Schoren - Jul 09, 2023

    Verified Purchase

    Ik ben aangenaam verrast door de Reolink Video Doorbell Wifi en de fantastische kwaliteit die het biedt. Wat mij betreft krijg je met Reolink absoluut waar voor je geld, en zelfs duurdere alternatieven kunnen niet tippen aan de beeldkwaliteit die deze deurbel levert. Een groot pluspunt is dat je bij Reolink vaak geen extra kosten hebt voor een abonnement. De installatie van de videodeurbel was een fluitje van een cent, met alle benodigde onderdelen keurig verpakt in de doos. Met de meegeleverde voeding en bekabeling is het zelfs mogelijk om een stroomvoorziening te creëren als je huidige deurbel daar niet op is aangesloten.

    Wat meteen opvalt is de ongelooflijke snelheid waarmee de videostream wordt geladen. Het beeld is van uitstekende kwaliteit, en naar mijn mening zelfs beter dan dat van vergelijkbare producten op de markt. Of het nu dag of nacht is, je krijgt altijd een scherp, helder en gedetailleerd beeld voorgeschoteld. In vergelijking met mijn vorige deurbel, de Euft Doorbell Dual 2 Pro, laadt de videostream van de Reolink deurbel aanzienlijk sneller. Waar ik voorheen soms met vertragingen te maken had, is dat bij de Reolink deurbel vrijwel niet het geval. De spraakcommunicatie verloopt vloeiend en zonder noemenswaardige vertraging. Dit in tegenstelling tot de Eufy deurbel, waar sprake was van enkele seconden vertraging, wat het voeren van gesprekken via de deurbel soms bemoeilijkte.

    Een ander positief aspect is de nauwkeurige detectie van personen door de Reolink deurbel. Telkens wanneer iemand onze voortuin betreedt, ontvang ik onmiddellijk een melding. Tot op heden heb ik nog geen enkele valse detectie meegemaakt, wat het vertrouwen in de beveiligingsmogelijkheden van deze deurbel alleen maar vergroot.

    Een handige functie van de Reolink deurbel is de mogelijkheid om de beelden lokaal op te slaan op een micro SD-kaart die in de camera zelf wordt geplaatst. Je kunt ervoor kiezen om alleen gebeurtenissen op te slaan of continu op te nemen. Houd er wel rekening mee dat micro SD-kaarten niet ideaal zijn voor langdurige opname, dus als je 24/7 wilt opnemen, is het aan te raden om te investeren in een Reolink NVR.

    Maar wat de Reolink Video Doorbell Wifi voor mij echt onderscheidt, is de naadloze integratie met Home Assistant, een smart home platform dat me in staat stelt om apparaten van verschillende fabrikanten met elkaar te verbinden. Dit opent deuren naar eindeloze mogelijkheden en stimuleert mijn creativiteit. Een van de praktische toepassingen die ik heb ingesteld, is dat wanneer iemand aanbelt via de deurbel, automatisch een videostream wordt getoond op een muurtablet. Als je een ruime (privé) oprit hebt, kun je met Home Assistant zelfs instellen dat zodra je van huis gaat, de camera automatisch overschakelt naar de alarmmodus en het alarm afgaat zodra iemand je oprit betreedt. Op dit moment kun je deze functies alleen handmatig instellen via de Reolink app.

    Al met al ben ik zeer tevreden met mijn keuze voor de Reolink Video Doorbell Wifi. De installatie was een fluitje van een cent, de videostream laadt snel en de beeldkwaliteit is ronduit indrukwekkend. De integratie met Home Assistant voegt extra functionaliteit toe, wat het gebruiksgemak verder vergroot. Ik kan dit product van harte aanbevelen aan iedereen die op zoek is naar een hoogwaardige videodeurbel zonder de noodzaak van een duur abonnement.

    Helpful 1 person found this helpful


  • Reolink Door bell with Ringer

    Donald_Stewart - May 03, 2024

    Verified Purchase

    I upgraded after a long frustrating Lorex doorbell which had a 10 second lag.
    I was skeptical and getting a different brand as I have used Lorex for several years. I have to say the door bell experience has been top notch. The setup was made so simple anyone who can read could do it in 20 minutes. Having an ethernet cable input and a power adapter to setup doorbell prior to installing out side.made it so simple. The instructions were super easy and hooking up to existing wiring was simple. The plug in door chime is great and you still get you existing door bell that works. Photo quality is great. The included wedge was perfect. I have to say I'm impressed with the experience so far. My only minor bug is how it locks at top of doesn't site right as it should. There is a small space which water may get in .



  • Good and Bad

    BloodyChristof - Jul 22, 2024

    Verified Purchase


    I purchased a Reolink Doorbell some time ago after choosing between your product and a Google Nest Doorbell. I opted for your product because of the 2k resolution, 5MP camera, 180° Wide Angle, and the micro SD card slot. While I am generally satisfied with the product, there are nights when I regret my choice.

    The issue I'm facing is with the "Person is detected from Doorbell" notifications, which seem to be fake. As shown in the attached picture, there is a pole in front of my house that emits light, preventing the doorbell from entering night mode and causing it to remain in color mode at all times. Manually selecting Black & White doesn't work well either, as nothing is visible. I receive over 100-200 fake notifications every night, and even if I set my phone to vibrate or silent mode, it defeats the purpose of having a SMART doorbell. I prefer not to switch to a Google Nest, but unless there are future improvements, I may have no choice.

    Is there a software update, improvement to the Reolink app, or a firmware update that could address this issue in my specific scenario? Unfortunately, moving the doorbell to another location is not feasible.

    Thank you and I look forward to your response.

    Kind regards,



  • Reolink video doorbell

    garbo1 - Jul 20, 2022

    Verified Purchase

    I would like to be one of the testers of your video doorbells. I have three of your Ptz 823a installed and the doorbell would complete the system. Wireless video doorbell would complete my system.



  • need more Chime(s) !!!

    Anyhit - Jul 09, 2023

    Verified Purchase

    Hello, good Doorbell Cam, but we need the Chime to buy separately!
    When we can get this?? Also the Version 8.11.0 needs to be fixed! I used the old Version, because very terrible Video quality and stability! Please fix this soon. Also we need a "phone Call" Feature if it is ringing!



    • Reolink Reolink - Jul 19, 2023


      Dear Customer


      The Duo 2 POE supports, so it can work with Blue iris.
      You may click this link to see how to add it to Blue Iris:
      If still no luck, you can contact our support team( for help

      Best regard
      Reolink Service Team


    • Reolink Anyhit - Jul 10, 2023


      Dear Customer

      Sorry that we do not have extra Chimes to sell.
      And the video doorbell camera can not support multiple chimes at present.
      You could buy one video doorbell camera with one chime from our website directly.

      And sincerely thanks for your suggestions!
      Best regard
      Reolink Service Team


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  • Amazing camera especially for wifi

    Jmhinkle - Jan 03, 2025

    Verified Purchase

    I'm just starting to get my all new Reolink hardware in place. This was the second camera I installed. I couldn't use POE at my front Doorbell so I went wifi. Being real cameras these connect to my 5Ghz network instead of the slow 2.4. The coverage of the porch is phenomenal. The picture clarity is also top notch. The connection through the app is fast and works excellent. So glad I'm upgrading from my old blink system as those were plain trash.



  • Very good

    Simich - Feb 22, 2024

    Verified Purchase

    Orderd two of these doorbells. One for us and one for parents in law.
    The setup is very easy and the quality is very good.
    Tip: register the product for 6 months more warrenty above the 2 years!

    The only issue you can have is the wedge is in the wrong angle. But there are sellers on the internet that sell third party wedges



  • One of Reolinks bad ones

    Harlech - Dec 29, 2024

    Verified Purchase

    First off I like to say that this is the 3rd camera I purchased from them since 2020 and this is the worst video quality. Very grainy, wanted to stay in black & white even when the sun is out (shut off auto so it stays in color now). It’s nice it comes with plenty of cables so you definitely have options without having to splice anything during installation. Wired using the supplied DC power. It’s not the worst picture I’ve seen but the worst so far when it comes to the other Reolink cameras.



  • So far I love it!

    mmtuinstra - Dec 16, 2022

    Verified Purchase

    I just got it today and hooked it and got it connected. So far I love it! It works well with the app and all of the other Reolink cameras I have. I have also connected it to my BlueIris software, but typically only use the app most of the time. Could be a few more traditional or short door bell sounds, but that's just my personal opinion. Surprisingly I didn't seem to find the old school DING-DONG, but there was one close enough.



  • availibilty

    sohalm97 - Aug 20, 2023

    Verified Purchase

    any timeline when it will be available.



  • Love it

    user_782189100228807 - Apr 21, 2024

    Verified Purchase

    To clarify for anyone reading this, the doorbell does indeed have the options and configuration available to alert you of someone / or of any motion without pressing the buttons on the doorbell.

    Integrating this doorbell into smart home tech, such as Home Assistant, opens up a huge area of automation potentials. This is the only doorbell on the market I've seen where I can broadcast custom messages to the person stood at the door based purely on automations. For example, as Home Assistant will know if I'm at home or not and then play a message to a delivery driver telling them where to leave parcel, vs telling them i'm at home but to give me a few extra minutes to get to the door, That feature alone is worth it's weight in gold. Then theres the fun you can have with this, automations giving custom greetings (or ungreetings as the case may be!) depending on time of day, day of week etc etc. Thats priceless, and thats before it's even been integrated into a facial recognition piece of software. This is THE doorbell to have, imho. I've tried Nest, Ring and Eufy high priced doorbells, this one beats them all, no question.



  • Best on the market

    clive777 - Apr 14, 2023

    Verified Purchase

    This. Is my review of the reolink doorbell. I have the Wi-Fi version. First of all, it is so small and compact it's amazing all The equipment that's in it works. The Wi-Fi from my router to the doorbell is about 10 metres away. An I have the chime of further 10 metres away from the router. So the chime is 20 metres away from my doorbell and it works perfectly. When the button is pressed. There is no deley whatsoever and my phone messages me within two seconds. And then I press the notification and within another two seconds I have the live feed and can talk to the people outside my front door. So far I've had no lag or any interference whatsoever. a big thing i like
    about this doorbell is. You can save all videos and Motion detection's to the SD card on board. It will take a 256 card. I have a 64 in mine, but there's more than enough room. I had a bit of fun this morning with it. I used a time lapse. On it and I timelapse 6 hours of sunrise and it works fantastically, so that's a good bit of fun. Also when the doorbell is pressed. You can have 3 preset already made messages, quick replies. To announce to your visitors what you would like to say. Or you can record your own voice, which can be a bit of fun to the ones that you don't like knocking all the time. The doorbell was so easy to set up. Where I am I have a 2 brick wall so I had to run the electrically down between the two bricks and I drilled a hole on the outside and I managed to get a bit of wire to go down the cavity of the brickwork and pulled the wire
    Out to get the power to it. But a lot of other houses don't have double bricks, so it would be more than easy. And of course, it's so easy to set up with the reolink app.. by now everyone knows how good the reolink app
    is. There was absolutely no problem. Is was probably one of the simplest ones I've ever set up. Even simpler than the cameras. I'm so happy with the product. And I'm glad I got it. A lot of my friends have other cameras going on the market as reolink is only just released here in Australia. But they're going to be sorry, because this one outshines theres by a long way. It's a great product. You get good outside vision at night with the two little infrared lights, but if you turn them off and don't want anyone to know you have a camera, there's still plenty of light and the picture quality is quite good even though it's only black and white at night. Couldn't be happier. It's a great product, so do yourself a favour and go and buy one.

