Reolink Duo 3 PoE

5 Customer Reviews

(4.6 out of 5 stars)

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  • Not as great as expected

    Rich - Mar 20, 2024

    Verified Purchase

    I was excited read about the Duo 3 and quickly ordered one to replace a RLC-810A to get the 180 degree view. I quickly became aware that my clarity decreased with the change. When I dug into the specs, what I missed was because that the vertical field of view (FOV) was increased from 44 degrees (RLC_810A) to 55 degrees (Duo 3) and the horizontal FOV changed from 87 to 90, the picture quality decreased significantly. I love the 180 degree view but the loss of clarity is very disappointing. If the vertical FOV had been kept the same, the picture quality would have been much more acceptable. From a security perspective, you lose too much detail and would be better off with two RLC0810A's mounted side by side.

    Helpful 24 people found this helpful


  • Great Camera! I would recommend this...

    KimchiGUN - Mar 27, 2024

    Verified Purchase

    Coming from someone who has fairly decent professional and personal experience with cameras. This cam is ranks up there. It performs and affordable. I know my set up a little different than the norm. But IR is great, Color as night is great, motion detection is great. The install was fairly easy.

    Here's a 1 thing that bug me, but it's not a game changer. I wish there was an area when you set motion detection, that you can select which area of the FOV you want to set. As of now, you just crank up or down the sensitivity. They have a section where you can set NO detection, which is GREAT. It would be awesome if they had an opposite option. (motion works great regardless, but it would be nice to have)

    The "auto" settings in the "brightness shadows" section doesn't set very well for ME. I assume it does the best it can for the basic user. Turning it off and manually adjusting it, worked out better for me. (Not a Con, just my preference) If you're not happy with the IR/ Night Color settings, manually turn off the Brightness Shadows Auto settings and manually adjust it to get what works best for you.

    My cam is about 15 feet in the air looking over my driveway. The Spotlight is VERY bright! The speaker can be heard fairly well. I'm very impressed by that.

    When you first get this cam, turn up the bitrate to max to get the best quality view. Make sure you have a decent network to support it.

    The cool thing about this is ONVIF RTSP stream. I have it recording to SD card and streaming full time to my Synology NAS. So I get the best of both worlds. The APP my family uses for quick reference, while I got a full stream recording, just in case I have to scrub through the footage. Which I use the Synology APP also.

    Right off the bat, this cam performs! it takes a little adjusting of the settings to make it work for you. But it runs right out of the box. The APP is easy to use. This is the total package!

    Helpful 4 people found this helpful


  • Very nice camera but w couple things to watch out for

    Irwin - Mar 12, 2024

    Verified Purchase

    Great camera but since it does have 180 degree field of view I have problems the rains gutters coming into my field of view too close. You can use privacy block to eliminate the view and make it a bit less wide but here is the problem. The Infa red lights and spotlight when on relfect off the gutters and come back inot the lense and at night make it unusable. The answer I found was just disable all the lights. I wish they offered more accesories so on my wall mount I could have dropped the camera down about 12 inches lower to avoid my problem but they dont. I needed to re-use the wall mount as that is where my older Reolink camera was mounted

    Helpful 4 people found this helpful


  • The Eyes and Ears in a Camera has landed.

    Allan A - Feb 24, 2024

    Exceptional Dual camera view its truly better quality I have witness I can’t wait to buy the dome and doorbell with the same 16MP. Keep me posted and keep up moving the market forward with quality equipment.
    Please expand your NVR and provide larger TB, along with Audio-live ports for communication on all NVR

    Helpful 3 people found this helpful


  • 784319

    san li - Mar 20, 2025


