Reolink Duo 2V PoE

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(4 von 5)

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  • Great, though could be better.

    Steve - 3. Nov 2024

    Verifizierter Kauf

    Easy to install and setup via the app. The 180 FoV is well stitched together, with very minor alignment adjustments required. Daytime vision is great, while nighttime was average. I had to turn off the IR lights as the image was full of glare from the dome I'm assuming.. Even using the spotlights at night didn't help. Luckily I have enough ambient lighting to allow me to do this and have good night vision. Object detection seems to be better than the other reolink cameras I have, including the Track mix POE. Overall I'd give it 7.5/10

    Nützlich 3 Personen fanden es hilfreich
