Hall 1.2, Booth 308 | Messe Berlin, Germany
Dual Lens, Single View
180° Ultra Coverage, Every Corner Secured. Utilizing an advanced dual-image stitching algorithm, it combines images captured by the dual lenses to present a panoramic view free of distracting seams or disconnections.
Dual Focus, Hybrid Zoom
Seamlessly switching between wide-angle and telephoto lenses to maximize zooming capability. Effortlessly see farther and clearer, capturing richer details with ease.
Bright as Day - ColorX Technology
With the F1.0 super aperture, an advanced 1/1.8'' sensor, and the HDR technology, it turns extreme darkness into clear, colorful visuals, making nighttime surveillance as clear as daytime.
Wi-Fi 6 Compatibility
Enjoy faster speeds with Wi-Fi technology. Wi-Fi 6 provides increased device connectivity, and reliable wireless performance for seamless HD video monitoring.
Dual Lens, Single View
180° Ultra Coverage, Every Corner Secured. Utilizing an advanced dual-image stitching algorithm, it combines images captured by the dual lenses to present a panoramic view free of distracting seams or disconnections.
Dual Focus, Hybrid Zoom
Seamlessly switching between wide-angle and telephoto lenses to maximize zooming capability. Effortlessly see farther and clearer, capturing richer details with ease.
Bright as Day - ColorX Technology
With the F1.0 super aperture, an advanced 1/1.8'' sensor, and the HDR technology, it turns extreme darkness into clear, colorful visuals, making nighttime surveillance as clear as daytime.
Wi-Fi 6 Compatibility
Enjoy faster speeds with Wi-Fi technology. Wi-Fi 6 provides increased device connectivity, and reliable wireless performance for seamless HD video monitoring.
Join us at IFA 2024 to witness the beginning of a new chapter in the Reolink experience. We will unveil a brand new look, aligning deeper with our values and renewed commitment to our customers. Come see how we're pushing the boundaries of security to safeguard what matters most to you.
Reolink is set to unveil our latest innovations in security technology, and we would love to have you to be among the first to experience them.
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