The New Standard in Clarity
Reolink's 16MP series brings uncompromising image quality with a 16MP dual-lens design, with double the power of previous models.
Reolink's innovative dual-Image stitching algorithm for a seamless 180° panoramic view. Perfect for monitoring wider properties, warehouses and more.
Motion Track, a new feature from Reolink, summarizes 15 seconds of motion events into a single image, perfect for understanding recent activity faster than ever. All with real-time notifications for people, animals, and cars.
The 16MP series excels at night with full-color night vision and a built-in spotlight. For traditional surveillance needs, easily switch to black and white mode in a single tap.
Humans, vehicles, and even animals, Smart Detection provides live updates and notifications straight to your phone for ease of use.
Reolink's Power over Ethernet (PoE) technology streamlines security, allowing power and data to be transmitted over a single cable.
Modern security with no hidden costs. Utilize Reolink's smart local storage with your privacy guaranteed.
Audio clarity both ways. Communicate effectively, whether greeting visitors or issuing warnings.
With a IP67 weatherproof rating, your security won't miss a beat, rain or shine.
Dem Crumblies Tech
Paul Hibbert
(Hibbert Home Tech)
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